Many Blessings...........

Hi again....I've been thinking that there is so much that we can thank God for and yet I don't do it as much as I should, so I am going to try to write down 5 things that I am thankful for each day in this blog. Mmmmmm sometimes that can be really easy and sometimes it seems a huge task.

Here goes............I am thankful for........

1. My beautiful husband who reminds me daily how much he loves me.
2. Good Books.......(more about that later)
3. a great family
4. best friends who care enough to come all the way here to spend Christmas day with us
5. a great God who has everything under control and even though I don't deserve it He loves me unconditionally

That was harder than I thought.....but it's a good practice I think.

Anyway, been reading this book and I thought that this was a good thought and I wanted to share it.

"There is something uniquely magnificant and powerful about a is God who longs for Romance, is it God who longs to be our ezer (companion - life saver), it is God who reveals beauty as essential to life. I as a woman am the image bearer of this God. That is why I too long for these things...." (Kylie paraphrased a little)'s from a book called "Captivating" by Stasi and John Eldredge

and so far it is interesting, just got to find time to read more than the first two chapters I have read already. Maybe I should be spending less of my free time doing cross stitch......(though it is resembling a bear now which is cool!)

Oh well, God and I have got some stuff to do.....I am slowly but surely working on that......

Love Kylie xxx


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