I'm In His Hands....
A song I remember singing as I grew up was a little song called "I'm in His hands" and I've been reminded of it again today. I'm in His Hands I'm in His hands I'm in His hands Whatever the future holds I'm in His hands The days I cannot see Have all been planned for me His way is best you see I'm in His hands Here's a beautiful version of the song that I found............... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ighpk8Dlwz4&eurl=http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30181739&id=1387497618&ref=nf&feature=player_embedded It's so true............ and I'm thankful that I know that God holds my future in His hands, especially when there's so many unknowns in the future, Thank you God. Blessings on the journey..........................Love Kylie XXX