
Showing posts from November, 2009

True love's kiss............

God put His love on the line for us by offering His Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to Him. Rom ans 5:8 (The Message) I love fairy tales and particularly I guess I have a fairly good collection of Disney stories........... you know the ones.......... and there is always the happy ending! Got to love the movie Enchanted.......... it must be time for another watching of it really (after a year ago watching it several hundred.... or at least that's what it felt like....... times....) I think I am ready to see it again. Giselle lives in the world of Andalasia, where animals are talkative companions and musical interludes punctuate nearly every interaction. She dreams of her true love and as she sings about true love's kiss to her chipmunk friend Pip and other forest animals, the Prince hears her voice in the forest. After he rescues her from a troll, they decide to marry the next day. Edward's step-mother, Queen Narissa, disguises herself as an old h...

Funny thing..........

Funny thing............ today as I was helping Colin access his blog and remember his password, I actually locked myself out of my own account. Do you think that I could remember the email that I used to create the account, or the correct password to go with it?????? Nope! Well, after some help was returned I am now back online.....even though I wasn't really that long that I was off...... and no one probably would have even known! Now on the same subject of prayer.......... I am sooooo glad that I have instant access and communication with God..... my best friend. Although I guess sometimes if I am honest, I do forget the password, so to speak, and forget to seek Him, but I am continually learning day by day what a joy it is to be in communion with God and know Him as my Saviour. Blessings on the journey.................. Love Kylie xxx

Prayer............ our privilege and intimate relationship with God

A few weeks ago Colin and I had the privilege of conducting a funeral. A POW who had received help from the Army in the war and wanted the Army to do his funeral. As normally happens we met with the family.... this family actually had a bit of an idea of what they wanted, what Bob would like at his funeral, and thankfully that makes the whole process a bit easier. What really caused me to think about this encounter was this......... when I mentioned to the family that we would like to have a prayer and we would usually do this at the start of the service, I was asked......... "well, what prayer would you do?"...... as I paused for a second, a little startled, I explained the kind of prayer that we would pray.... when she asked me if I had one written down so she could see it. Actually I did...... from a funeral that we had done before, so I was able to give her a read through the kind of prayer that we would pray at her father's funeral. It kind of struck me later on...