Prayer is the heart of relationship with God. Through prayer we deaw close to Him; we listen to Him; we share our desires and our concern for others. It's like having a heart to heart discussion with your best friend. Jesus addressed God as 'Abba' or 'Daddy'. Too often our model for prayer has been the presentation of a shopping list to God with the adding on the end "according to your will", we sometimes almost fear talking to Him in case He has something that He asks of us. Richard Foster says in his book "Prayer", "Real prayer comes not from gritting our teeth, but from falling in love." And so, real prayer comes from an intimate relationship with God. A developing, actively engaged relationship with our Heavenly Father, not a casual fling, but a real intentional, itimate relationship. It's been interesting over the past few weeks as I have been praying for a few different friends. Why is it that some people I have been pr...