How Marvellous.................. is my Saviour's Love for me!!

Long time...... no blog. But I thought that this is something that I really need to get back to.

As I sat and spent time with God tonight, I was reminded of these beautiful words. I have learnt it from a tune that is more recent, but the words were penned a long time ago and really touched my heart as I remembered that God is what it is all about.

Here is Love

Here is love - vast as the ocean
Loving kindness as a flood
When the Prince of Life,
Our ransom, shed for us
His precious blood
Who is love - will not remember
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten
Throughout heaven's eternal days

On the mount of crucifixion
Fountains opened deep and wide
Through the floodgates
Of God's mercy flowed a vast
And gracious tide.
Grace and love like mighty rivers
Poured incessant from above
And heaven's peace
And perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love

Oh how marvellous,
Oh how glorious,
Is my Saviour's love for me!!!

Of Your fullness you are pouring
Your great love on me anew
Without measure full and boundless
Drawing out my heart to You
You alone will be my glory
Nothing in this world I see
You have cleansed and sanctified me
You yourself have set me free!

No one else can touch my heart like the way God can and no one else can give me the grace and love that I do not deserve. God deserves my praise because He is the one that has cleansed me and sanctified me and He is the one that has set me free from sin!!! And I am so grateful for all that He continues to do for me each day.

I pray that God will continue to help me to day by day be His servant and daily be reminded that my life is more about Him than about me.

Blessings on the journey....................................... Love Kylie xxx


Captain Colin said…
Amazing he is...and so amazing is his grace

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