My Computer up and running............YAY

Hi there peoples,

Good news today, I now have my PC back in action again which is a delightful thing. We were able to get a few parts that we needed to fix it, and my brilliant husband was able to get it working again! YAY! I really have appreciated being able to use the laptop for my stuff but I really do prefer to have my own desk top computer, so I am very happy. Anyways, it's my baby brother's birthday today..........I can't believe that he is 26, which leaves me feeling very old indeed. Oh, well...........

Anyway, I still have plenty to be thankful for;

1. Life...............
2. A Great and Mighty God who adores me
3. A clever husband who fixed my computer for me
4. My brother, God bless him on this day and for always
5. Being able to finish tomorrow's sermon before 12pm tonight! YAY im done (we're in the middle of a series and it's been a hard slog this week)

take care,

Love Kylie XXX


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